Individual Patient Prediction Panel

Use the prediction panel to predict the prognosis index (PI) of one new patients.

Select the preferred model and upload a csv file containing required patient information to make new predictions.

Details see instruction

Group Prediction Panel

Use the prediction panel to predict the prognosis index (PI) of a group of new patients.

Select the preferred model and upload a csv file containing required patient information to make new predictions.

Details see instruction
PE Prognosis Predictor Manual


The web application provides predictive insights into the time-to-delivery of patients diagnosed with preeclampsia. It uses pre-trained models to provide accurate predictions and visualizations, making it a user-friendly tool for healthcare professionals.

Step 1: Choose the panel

The web application has two main panels: the individual prediction panel and the group prediction panel.

  • Individual prediction panel: This panel calculates the prognosis score (PI) of time to delivery for a single new patient using pre-trained models. The input should be a text file with one line of values from a single patient.
  • Group prediction panel: This panel takes a group of new patients as input and returns the predicted PIs and their percentiles in a table format.

Step 2: Choose pre-trained model

The user needs to choose the desired pre-trained model based on their patient characteristics and data availability. The available pre-trained models are:

Pre-trained Model Description Required Input
Baseline Model Applicable to all PE patients Baseline variables
Full Model Applicable to all PE patients Baseline variables, lab results and vital measuements
EOPE Baseline Model Applicable to only early onset PE patients Baseline variables
EOPE Full Model Applicable to only early onset PE patients Baseline variables, lab results and vital measuementS

Step 3: Upload new patient data

Both the individual prediction panel and the group prediction panel require a single delimited file as input. The users have the option to choose between three delimiters: “;”, “,”, or “:”. The input file must have the same columns in the same order as specified. The individual prediction panel requires only a single row of data in the input file, whereas the group prediction panel allows for multiple rows.

Selected Model Required Variables Variable Description
Baseline Model diag_GA PE diagnoses gestational age(days)
SeverePE 1: the preeclampsia is severe at the first diagnosis; 0: mild preeclampsia at the first diagnosis
past_pe 1: the patient has previous preeclampsia history; 0:Otherwise
age Maternal age at the beginning of current pregnancy (Years)
EPIS_PARA_COUNT Previous parity counts
DiabetesUncomplicated 1: The patient has uncomplicated diabetes comorbidity; 0:Otherwise
ValvularDisease 1: The patient has valvular disease comorbidity; 0:Otherwise
Full Model diag_GA PE diagnoses gestational age(days)
SeverePE 1: the preeclampsia is severe at the first diagnosis; 0: mild preeclampsia at the first diagnosis
AST Aspartate aminotransferase measurement at diagnosis (u/L)
RRSD Standard deviation of respirtory rate within 5 days before diagnosis
EPIS_PARA_COUNT Previous parity counts
creatinine_value Creatinine value measurement at diagnosis
BPDiaSD Standard deviation of diastolic blood pressure within 5 days before diagnosis
age Maternal age at the beginning of current pregnancy (Years)
White_Blood_Cell_Count White blood cell count at diganosis
BPDiaMean Average of diastolic blood pressure within 5 days before diagnosis
Platelet_Count Platelet count at diagnosis
White_Blood_Cell_Count White blood cell count at diagnosis
past_pe 1: the patient has previous preeclampsia history; 0:Otherwise
EOPE Baseline Model diag_GA PE diagnoses gestational age(days)
past_pe 1: the patient has previous preeclampsia history; 0:Otherwise
EPIS_PARA_COUNT Previous parity counts
Coagulopathy 1: The patient has Coagulopathy comorbidity; 0:Otherwise
PulmonaryCirculationDisorders 1: The patient has pulmonary circulation disorder; 0:Otherwise
SeverePE 1: the preeclampsia is severe at the first diagnosis; 0: mild preeclampsia at the first diagnosis
EOPE Full Model EPIS_PARA_COUNT Previous parity counts
NUMBER_OF_FETUSES Baseline variables, lab results and vital measuementS
diag_GA PE diagnoses gestational age(days)
Coagulopathy 1: The patient has Coagulopathy comorbidity; 0:Otherwise
PulmonaryCirculationDisorders 1: The patient has pulmonary circulation disorder; 0:Otherwise
SeverePE 1: the preeclampsia is severe at the first diagnosis; 0: mild preeclampsia at the first diagnosis
creatinine_value Creatinine value measurement at diagnosis
Platelet_Count Platelet count at diagnosis
AST Aspartate aminotransferase measurement at diagnosis (u/L)
BPDiaMean Average of diastolic blood pressure within 5 days before diagnosis
BPSysMean Average of systolic blood pressure within 5 days before diagnosis
RRSD Standard deviation of respirtory rate within 5 days before diagnosis
past_pe 1: the patient has previous preeclampsia history; 0:Otherwise

Step 4: Choose whether to scale new data

The pre-trained model mandates the scaling of all numeric variables by dividing them by the square root of their mean value. The variables “creatinine_value,” “AST,” and “RRSD” must be log-transformed prior to scaling. If the option “Does the data need to be processed?” is set to “Yes,” the app will automatically scale the input data. However, if set to “No,” it will be the responsibility of the user to scale the data, which is not recommended.